Preclinical Imaging

Westmead Preclinical Imaging (WPI) was established in 2021 and is located within the Biological Services Facility (BSF) at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR). It is an integral part of the core facilities of the Westmead Research Hub (WRH).
The mission of the WPIF is to support basic and preclinical sciences by providing a range of high-end imaging technologies for non-invasive, in-vivo, and real time studies in small animal models. At present, WPI has acquired an IVIS Lumina X5 optical imager and will be continuously working to introduce more multiple imaging modalities to facilitate translational and basic research.
Services WPI provides include: hands-on instrument training, technical support on image acquisition and data analysis, advice on experimental design and animal ethics applications. Trained and authorised users will be granted with access to the BSF lab, imaging instrument and booking system for users to independently run imaging experiments in WPI.
Submit a request or query
Our capabilities include
- Consultation on AEC protocol application
- Consultation on experimental design
- Pilot study development
- Training and education
- Animal imaging for users
- Data analysis
- Technical advice
- Collaborations
Please click the link below for more details on
our instrument please click here
We aim to provide end-to-end services for
all of our capabilities. For more details,
please click here
WRH Core Facilities
The Westmead Preclinical Imaging core facility is one of nine core facilities at Westmead. WRH core facilities are available for all WRH researchers, external researchers and industry partners. Click here to find out more about what our other facilities have to offer.
The Preclinical Imaging Facility is located at The Westmead Institute for Medical Research.