Major Equipment Expression of Interest Form
On this page you will be able to submit an expression of interest (EOI) in a technology or piece of equipment you believe Westmead Researchers would benefit from.
This form will be received by the Hub Management team and forwarded to the relevant Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) secretary overseeing the technology you are expressing interest in. Click here to see the membership of the SAC. It is recommended that you also discuss your EOI with the SAC Member representing your organisation.
Your EOI will be reviewed by the SAC at the next meeting held by the SAC after submission and will be considered for inclusion in the Westmead Research Hub Equipment Roadmap for that year.
If you have any difficulties obtaining information or filling in the form, please reach out to info@wrh.org.au for assistance. Note: Your completed form will be emailed to the email address you supply in the form below. There is a chance it will get caught by your spam filter, so if you don’t receive it please search your junk mail.