User Access Scheme
***Due to the success of this program, all Hub facility resources have reached capacity and so the program is on hold for all facilities at this time. Facilities will become available under this scheme again in future. Please get in touch at if you have any questions regarding this program.***
User Access Scheme Goals
The Core Research Facilities User Access Scheme supports the Westmead Research Hub Strategy through the provision of small grants to support access to the core research facilities for generation of preliminary data for:
- New and innovative research that pushes the boundaries of current science
- Grant applications by research groups that otherwise do not have funding for this purpose
- The purpose of creating awareness of research technologies with potential to benefit currently funded research projects
Participants will be selected according to research quality and merit. All eligible proposals will be considered against the following criteria:
- Quality and potential impact of the research proposed;
- Transformative potential of the award for creating opportunities for the applicant and facility;
- Extent to which the applicant’s proposed activities advance Westmead’s strategic research goals.
Preference will be given to:
- Researchers seeking to achieve results that contribute to the establishment of a research track record in a particular discipline area;
- Researchers who have not previously used the facility that are seeking to demonstrate research track record in a particular discipline area;
- A strategic proof-of-concept experiment that will lead to further external funding opportunities and/or collaborations;
- A peak experiment or study that is needed to complete a major work, achieving leverage of research already undertaken;
- The usage of underutilised research equipment / core facilities to attract new users and increase facility utilisation.
User Access Scheme streams: Proficient User Project and Service-Based Project
Because facility capacity is limited, for the purposes of this scheme there will be two streams that you can apply for, Proficient User Projects and Service based Projects. Projects will be considered differently based on which stream you apply for.
- Proficient User Stream: An applicant’s current proficiency level within the facility will be considered. For example, if you are currently an autonomous user of the facility, minimal facility staff time will be necessary for you to achieve your result. Projects of this nature should be submitted under the Proficient User Stream.
- Service-Based Project Stream: Your project may require staff service time to achieve your results, however, staff availability is limited. These kinds of applications will be judged differently, weighted more towards project ideas with highest potential of future grant funding, or most achievable within the facility staff’s available time. These projects should apply under the Service Based Project Stream.
- Users must be members of a Westmead Research Hub partner institution
- Proposed research projects must not be within the scope of research that has been directly funded – access to funded research is available at the applicable internal access rates
- Additional work outside the scope of funded research projects, but with the potential to further enhance or leverage funded research, will be considered for the Access Scheme
- Research projects supported by the User Access Scheme must outline their expected research impact (e.g. papers to be published, other research or commercialisation metrics)
- Preparatory research projects that are likely to lead to further ARC, NHMRC, or other grant funding, and/or paid commercial projects may be prioritised.
- No more than one User Access Scheme to be granted per person and/or project
- All published work completed under this scheme must acknowledge the facility in the acknowledgement section of the publication
- Recipients must be willing to promote core research facilities in their presentations at local and international events
Application Process
In the first instance, researchers should contact the relevant facility to discuss submission of an application form addressing the basic eligibility and selection criteria, as well as any unique criteria used by individual facilities (e.g. these may be based on the desire to support emerging areas of research within particular fields). Facilities will advise applicants on the strength of their application, and how these may be improved (if applicable).
Applications should be made via the online User Access Scheme application form, available here. The applications will be assessed by the Hub Scientific Advisory Committee, and then be recommended to the Westmead Research Hub Operational Management Committee for approval.
Successful applicants can book access using PPMS, the Facility’s management system.
> Download the complete User Access Scheme terms and conditions
> Download the User Access Scheme application form
If you have any questions about this scheme, please contact